Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hi All,

(I don't know why the font is diffrent in spots)

Well I have really struggled with posting something the past few days. This week was a very emotional week for me. I had a doctors appt on Tues. to have my left breast checked out. For the last month I have noticed this weird indent on my left breast and wondered if it was something to be concerned about. And after my appt. felt even worse as the doctor informed me I need to go get a mammogram since I have a indent and they don't take risks with things like that. And to top it off I have no insurance so the thought of paying for this test overwhelmed me.

So fast forward to Wen when a friend (Sandie) of mine came by and spoke some hard truth into my life. She encouraged me to listen to a CD she received from our church on a message about is your trials and suffering "in the way" or "on the way"..

And of course the pastor shared about suffering produces perseverance;perseverance ,character; and character, hope.. Romans 5:3-5

And I thought to myself okay God I have had just about enough hard ships this year but as I listened I realized If I would just put my trust in him he will work it all out for his good. So as of this moment I am thinking okay God what ever the out come of my test I will know this is only to grow me as I'm "on my way" to be the servant you want me to be. ( He used the story of Joseph and the suffering he went through to become the man God had planned for him to be.)

So with that said I want to encourage all of you that no matter what life may throw at you God will and is there to hold you up. I look forward to sharing the outcome of this trial I'm facing.. God bless

In his hands , Tami

Thank you everyone who has given me words of encouragement the last few days , I so thank God for each one of you.

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