Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This post is so hard for me to write yet so needed... 

As I've said before I look at a lot of blogs and can really get attached okay so  maybe I've never really shared my addiction with blogs . One of those blogs is Life in Grace, by Edie.I found her through another blog I'm sure ( I'm sure it was one sharing about her turquoise kitchen) but from that time I have enjoyed her so much and enjoy her positive outlook on life.  With that said here is why this posted is so hard for me just after Christmas I read a blog sharing about (Edie's) her loss and I kept thinking no way how terrible for someone so blessed to face such a tragedy as this and to my surprise it was true. Then today there was a sneaky post from one of her friends to link to Edie's site and share our story of how Edie has touched our lives. So here is my thoughts to her on her very special day.. 
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Edie Happy birthday to you!!!!

Thank you for letting God use you and for all the blessings you give. Hope you are feeling his love and peace today. You are in our prayers and thoughts often.. 
Blessing to you and your family

If you haven't read her blog yet I would encourage you to do that her link is

With that said I am headed to get my oldest from school and love on my family the rest of the evening.. 

1 comment:

Olson Family said...

I just now had some quiet moments to peruse Edie's blog. wow. What a beautifully inspiring woman!! THANK YOU for sharing her blog on your blog!

What an encouragement you've always been, Girl!
